File:Apples on tree 2011 G1.jpg
Photo: George Chernilevsky

I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself & welcome you to my delicious world of plant-based nutrition and wellness!  I hope that my upcoming articles infuse you with my love & excitement for whole & healthy food, fitness & disease prevention to get you up & running in no time.   My dream goal?  To provide you with simple, practical info & plenty of inspiration to empower you with all the energy and enthusiasm needed to get it all done in a day.

I believe we’re all striving to become the very best versions of ourselves possible, but sometimes, life gets downright busy.  I get it, and believe me, I’m all about keeping it real.  A little bit of chaos now and then doesn’t mean you can’t bust a move and become more proactive.  Don’t worry, I’m not here to intimidate or overwhelm you in any way.  In fact, I’ll do my best to make it easy breezy for you…..and FUN!  Please don’t forget the new-found “high on life” zip zip you’ll get out of this whole healthy eating thing.  Rather than focus on what stresses you out, I want to help you break through the barrier of “why nots” and realize that it’s in your power to change the whole game around.  So, let’s get busy already!

Photo: Vikramdeep Sidhu

What are the 5 key ingredients your body needs every day?

My list of basic essentials:  

1. & 2. A Nutrient-rich & whole-food diet

3. & 4. High-quality sleep along with adequate exercise

5. Sunshine (the best source of vitamin D ever)

Photo: Larry D Moore

All the trillions of cells that make up your blood, organs and muscles are constantly being nourished, used, damaged, and hopefully repaired & replaced.  The quality of these newly created cells is completely based on what you choose to eat & drink and absorb.  So! In light of that, what I encourage (and at times can get a bit passionate about) is the importance of selecting the highest quality food sources out there to give your bod as much life-giving and power-packed nutrition possible to recreate YOU.  If your blood is pure and teaming with healthy cells, your organs and muscles strong, you will have the energy, drive and enthusiasm to do what you love while accomplishing your goals.  Just my two cents.

Written By: Monica Ralli, A Green Lady

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